Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Welcome to my web said the spider to the fly...

Well here I go again.  A while ago (like 7 years ago) I had a blog called Tales of a Neurotic Newlywed (or something close to that, it’s been 7 years what do you want from me?)  While I am still neurotic I am no longer a newlywed.  And a few things have happened in between now and then so I decided just to ditch that blog rather than dust it off and start fresh.  So here we are at the half-baked life.  I choose that name for two reasons.  The first reason is that at 30 I am nowhere near finished with what I want to accomplish before I exit stage left.  The second reason is that I have a habit of leaving projects in a somewhat unfinished state.  What I mean is I have the attention span of a biting sand midge and tend to be easily distracted by the next shiny thing on the horizon.  So that, dear reader (readers?) ( mom?) is the short of it.  Stay tuned for the rest…

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